Smart rack Secure Control Centre will monitor the vehicle 24/7 for any unauthorised movements or vehicle battery disconnect warnings. SmarTrack will liaise with any Police forces on a level 1 response to recovery the vehicle for you in the event of a theft.
Features of Protector+:
- Stolen Vehicle Recovery only.
- Guard and Recovery GPS / GSM technologies for location and communication
- 24 Hour Secure Control Centre
- Thatcham Approved (TQA Accredited)
- Transferable from vehicle to vehicle (by a SmarTrack approved engineer only)
- Motion sensor incorporated (signal sent to control room)
- Battery Disconnect Warning sent from vehicle to Secure Control Centre
- Signal sent to Control Room when vehicle alarm is triggered (Optional)
- Onboard rechargeable battery back up
- Regular unit self check (Every 45 days) monitored by Secure Operating Centre
- 3 year warranty